Home Archives What is behind that empty space? Marjo Sleiderink

What is behind that empty space? Marjo Sleiderink


The geometrical essence of objects and space always has a distorted perspective, due to our own perception. Images enter our brain up side down and are corrected unnoticed. The question that drives and fascinates me is:


  •  Isn’t there more out there then we can simply observe?
  • Do we occasionally reside in different layers?
  • And… what is reality then?

I do not believe that what we can observe is our reality. This view is based on my experiences in this world. In my work I want to emphasize on the distortion of perspective and the different layers of life.

This is expressed physical as well as psychological. I cut my canvas, sow and paste it back again. I paste smaller pieces of canvas on bigger patches to work on top of an existing image. I cut, scratch or remodel part of my work to acquire the desired layers.

My inspiration comes from my own experiences in life, reading autobiographies as well as studying works of art from artists such as Antoni Tapiés, Lucio Fontana, Anselm Kiefer, Jean Fautrier, Cy Twombly, Blinky Palermo, among others.

The appearance of my work is abstract… in addition it is a quest to find the layers in life and show the complexity of our own being.

Use of materials. Very few of my paintings are made without the use of bitumen. Bitumen has multiple meanings to me. It is used to pave a road, a flexible, black colored material, a rough building substance that stays in motion. I cut my canvas, sow or paste it again, sand and scratch the work until I find the desired layers. Next to that I use yarn to draw with, to fill holes, to repair processes and add accents. A red thread can mean security, a path to follow. Yarn can make connections. Holes can be wounds, but also… what is behind that empty space? Isn’t there more beyond our own perception? A quest to find who, what and where we are in this world… the nature of our existence!