Fiona Doyle
International Symposium of painting
PRESS RELEASE - Three Greek women Artistes at the International Symposium of painting in Romania, organized by Tudor Musatescu House of Culture based Campulung Muscel, in collaboration with the Arts Symposium I. D. Negulici and the Club ALZIAR.
A look at the art of Fiona Campbell
Born and bred in Kenya, Fiona Campbell now lives and works in Somerset. She graduated with distinction in Fine Art, Sculpture from the Byam Shaw...
Philip Firsov
I first met Philip in his Studio in Vyner Street, East London. He was running a life drawing class where the life model's acted...
Art In Motion
In Japan the crane bird is a very symbolic animal. He is symbolic for peace, love, solidarity, luck and a new beginning
Art Meets Poetry and Vice Versa
Steven Gordon Linebaugh discusses his Art
The inspiration for paintings versus writing comes from the same place in the brain. For me, the stimulus is...
Interview with artist Joesph Hawa
"Art is not only brush and paint... it is how we think, which gives us, plenty of satisfaction to be very happy in life"
What is behind that empty space? Marjo Sleiderink
The geometrical essence of objects and space always has a distorted perspective, due to our own perception. Images enter our brain up side down...
Narrative Art: Everyone Likes a Good Story, Don’t They?
Narrative by - Barbara Greene Mann July, 2011
“Have we Melted yet?” The Seer explains the terror of the tsunami and the fear that the...
The story of the Toyism movement
"A style or direction in art does not arise from one day to another, but often evolves as a compliment or reaction to other styles."