Have you ever thought about your dad’s cock at a funeral? If so, you’d probably dismiss it. But what if your brain couldn’t do that? After a shitshow of a shag, Jo must hide a stain, a semi-naked man, and her terrifying intrusive thoughts from Anna, before she loses everything. When being queer goes from one of many intrusive thoughts to a real feeling, how do you know what’s true, or intrusive? If you can’t trust your own thoughts, what can you trust? Flicker is a modern-day sex farce exploring Pure OCD, created through consultation with OCD UK.

The Artiscape Interviewed with Gabriella Foley about this upcoming show.

Can you tell us what inspired you to write Flicker?

Foley: Flicker is a queer sex farce about OCD (which is what everyone wants their sex farces about really). I wanted to create a play which explored Pure OCD, a type of OCD characterised by obsessive intrusive thoughts and a condition we don’t see much representation of in the media. I love comedy, so I thought why not combine the two? Because although, thinking about your dad’s cock at a funeral, is harrowing it’s objectively quite hilarious as well. 

Can you tell us about the character you play?

Foley: I play Jo, a primary school teacher, who, after a shit show of a shag, must hide a stain, a naked man and her terrifying intrusive thoughts from her housemate Anna, before she loses everything she loves!

What were the challenges in putting this show together?

Foley: Trying to articulate and perform the intrusive thoughts and inner monologue of someone with OCD was incredibly difficult. From the start of the writing process, I knew I didn’t want to shy away from the darker parts of the condition but finding the right way to do this was challenging so I’m so thankful for the support of OCD UK for their consultancy on the script.

What might an audience enjoy about this production?

Foley: There’s shit stains, cross dressing and slapstick – what more do you want? You’ll be laughing all the way to the punchline, then learn a lot. Then laugh all over again.

Flicker is at Edinburgh Fringe on the following dates – Jul 31 Aug 1-11, 13-18, 20-26

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