3 out of 5 stars

The Ice at the End of the World is inspired by Katy Schutte recent real-life journey to the Arctic. It is directed by Madelaine Moore and produced by The Omnibus Theatre. The Ice at the End of the World takes us on an expedition to coldest place on earth.

We are taken on a treacherous excursion on a tall ship to the Arctic Circle from Norway, through melting ice, that is due to the environmental damage that has been caused by humans. Led by expert guide Laura (Judith Amsenga) and three artists who are undertaking this perilous journey to create their finest work, inspired by life on the ‘edge of the world’.

The artists are presented with the greatest obstacle of the extreme dangerous conditions for infinite days and nights. Among the artists is Alys (Eleanor Dillon-Ream), a poetry translator who finds the journey particularly taxing especially when she loses her mobile phone so she can’t contact her publisher and becomes completely cut off from the outside world. (I was kind of surprised one could get a phone signal in the Arctic Circle).

The lighting from Megan Lucas and sound design from Russell Ditchfield really capture the eeriness and sub-zero temperatures aboard the tall ship. There is also very effective use of projected imagery.

The Ice at the End of the World runs at Omnibus Theatre in Clapham, London until the 12th of October.