Unit London are launching initiatives to get the world excited by culture and art in quarantine.


‘Stay culturally connected’ while in quarantine is the message from Unit London who are launching lots of great initiatives to get the world excited by culture and art in quarantine.

As the global population hunkers down for an indefinite period of intense wall-staring, Unit London would love to know what’s on that wall, what artwork(s) will shepherd you through these strange and lonely times? They will be reposting some of their favourite entries.

Here’s what you have to do:

  1. Take a photo of some of the artwork you have at home, we want to see the art that makes U smile.
  2. Post this photo to Instagram using the #LivingWithArt – remember to tag @UnitLondon and the artist whose work you’re sharing.
  3. Sit back and wait to see if you’ve been reposted!
  4. Nominate a friend to see their #LivingWithArt selection.

#HereforU is an initiative to use Unit London Instagram of over 498,000 to hero emerging talent and artists which do not have a gallery.

#LivingWithArt is an initiative to engage people who are at home in corona quarantine, to celebrate the art that they own and love. To get involved, take a photo or video of your favourite pieces at home, and

 #LivingWithArt Unit London will be actively re-posting people’s images on their stories to demonstrate the importance of art in the home and the inspiration it can bring.

Next month the team will also be launching a series of art lectures.

Joe Kennedy & Jonny Burt are the co-founders of Unit London.
Joe Kennedy & Jonny Burt are the co-founders of Unit London.

Joe Kennedy and Jonny Burt are two millennial entrepreneurs who own one of the largest cultural arts brands in the UK – Unit London.

Unit London welcomes tens of thousands to its space each year and has an estimated digital reach of over 12 million worldwide and 498,000 instagram followers. The newest addition to the Unit London family is Rafa, the Old English sheep dog, usually found greeting clients and now iconic in the art world.

Using new technologies and pioneering approaches to digital media, the gallery is recognised for diversifying and expanding contemporary art audiences, and it has successfully launched and advanced the careers of numerous important contemporary artists. In 2019, Unit London launched a new UK flagship, covering over 6,000 square feet in London’s Mayfair.