Alexander Eliot on his role in Pass Over


A lamppost. Night. Two friends are passing time. Stuck. Waiting for change.

Inspired by Waiting for Godot and the Exodus, Antoinette Nwandu fuses poetry, humour and humanity in a rare and politically charged new play which exposes the experiences of young men in a world that refuses to see them.

 Alexander Eliot, talks to the Artiscape about his role as Mister/Ossifer in the critically acclaimed play Pass Over, a vital story of the African American experienceIts UK premiere is at Kiln Theatre, from 19 February.

Eliot recently graduated from Drama Centre. His theatre work includes Three Sisters (Almeida Theatre) and television work includes Casualty.

What attracted Eliot to the script?

He told us “I read it all in one sitting and didn’t think about the time once, thats usually a sign you’ve been sent something special.” 

We asked him to tell us about the character he plays?

“You see him on paper and you laugh but in reality he comes from a very real place that is everywhere in society,” says Eliot.

How did Eliot prepare for the role?

“I’ve done a lot of reading, American history, Exodus, James Baldwins work and experiences, cop documentaries”, he tells us “but a lot of the prep comes through time, understanding his mindset and where he’s coming from.”

What is Eliot most looking forward to about performing?

He tells us simply it’s about “Sharing the journey”.

What does Eliot think an audience will take away from the play?

He tells us, “I think there’s so much in there, there are the obvious messages, but beneath that theres a lot of layers”.

Kiln Theatre presents PASS OVER by Antoinette Nwandu from the 13th of February to 21st of March. Book tickets here.