by Shipwreck Productions, part of Brighton Fringe 2021 runs from 28 May – 27 June.
Directed by Theodore Gray, the play is based on ‘Always on my Mind’ by Liam Alexandru, originally performed as a part of the Worcestershire Theatre Festival, 2016.
In the midst of the global pandemic, Stacey (played by Lucy Syed) agrees reluctantly to chat with her ex, Curtis (played by Charles Lomas), over facetime. They have not spoken in 6 months so they have a lot they need to say to each other. Is this just about closure or are there still feelings there? There is still clearly a lot of unresolved feelings between the former couple after what we are led to understand was a rather messy breakup. On top of all this, they have to do this virtually and not in person.
What do you say to someone who has hurt you in the past? How do you behave around them and express to them how you truly feel? Lucy Syed and Charles Lomas give convincing and moving performances of a former couple trying to hide the feelings they still share for each other.
This online short production uses technology and clever camera action to create a believable montage of the ex-couple’s awkward communication coupled with different versions of themselves that provide the inner monologue of maybe what they really wish to say. In this short piece, we see flashbacks to their relationship that are cleverly disguised as if the couple are actually in the same room together.
As the call ends, so does the piece.
Relationships are complex at the best of times but add covid lockdown to the mix with new rules, zoom calls, FaceTime calls, permitted from meeting in person … well! This play effectively demonstrates one such relationship.
Brighton Fringe 2021 runs from 28 May – 27 June.