A mesmerising, breathtaking performance by circus company, Barely Methodical Troupe has come to Shoreditch Town hall running from Tuesday 7 May.
The group is made up of the three men (Beren D’Amico, Louis Gift, Charlie Wheeller) and one woman (Swedish acrobat Esmeralda Nikolajeff). They use a variety of acrobatic and contemporary dance moves in this gravity-defying, “keep you on the edge of your seat” performance. I had a front seat in the stalls to witness this mind-blowing piece of work.
Several moments in the play, there was a collective gasp among the audience at their daring moves, from stacking themselves on top of each other to doing flips in the air.
When they land every stunt flawlessly each time, they are met with tremendous applause (and relief) from the audience. With minimal props, the troupe’s mainly test their own bodies to the limit in these daring moves.
This brand new show SHIFT – with a mixture of tricks, humour and energy runs from Tuesday 7 May – Saturday 18 May at Shoreditch Town hall, London. I highly recommend you go see it.
The cast of SHIFT: Photo credit: JMA photography The cast of SHIFT: Photo credit: JMA photography The cast of SHIFT: Photo credit: JMA photography The cast of SHIFT: Photo credit: JMA photography The cast of SHIFT: Photo credit: JMA photography