This touching story of love and loss by Jack Thorne runs at Orange Tree Theatre in Richmond from 15th of October until 12th of November.
The character Alice is deaf and played by actor Katie Erich who is deaf herself. Writer Jack Thorne stipulated Alice be played by a deaf actor. After seeing the play I can see how important this is. The character Phil is played by neuro-diverse writer and performer Adam Fenton who is disabled. Both actors give a superb touching performance.

The performance takes place entirely in or around a bed shared by the couple.
At the beginning of the play the couple individually narrate an awkward sexual event they shared giving their very different interpretations to the intimate experience in very entertaining ways. Their inner thoughts are verbalised by the actors and also printed around the theatre to be read.
The play is a love story that began with an exploding package in a queue of a royal mail postal office. You can’t help by being touched by the sweetness and innocence of Adam played beautifully by Fenton.
As the play progresses, the couple go on to explain and demonstrate how the relationship develops and the challenges they face. When Alice becomes pregnant and subsequently has to deal with a still birth, Katie Erich’s performance is exemplary as she goes through this challenge.
To book tickets for this performance visit https://orangetreetheatre.co.uk/whats-on/the-solid-life-of-sugar-water/about