Irvine Welsh’s 1993 novel Trainspotting, is brought to life in this immersive live performance that includes nudity, a lot of use of the “F”word and of course the “worst toilet in Scotland”. It is currently running at Riverside Studios in Hammersmith London.
As I am handed my glow-stick bracelet and ear plugs, I am given a list of warnings about the show.
Having watched the movie many years ago, I feel I am somewhat prepared for what is to come. As I enter the auditorium, a rave, with retro music from the nineties, is kicking off. I do as I usually do when doing reviews, sit at the front.
A bit of advice though, for anyone who does not want to be part of the drama, the front row should be avoided. Having said that, the cast go right up into the audience at times sitting on audience members and talking into their faces. There is a lot of hugging of the audience during the rave scene with shirtless men dancing like they are off their heads on ecstasy.

There are a lot hilarious points in the play and quite a few seriously gross events. Andrew Barrett gives a truly memorable performance as Renton. The part where he has to strip down to nothing is a particularly notable event to say the least. His portrayal of a heroin addict navigating the highs and lows with Renton’s sharp observational wit is spot on.
At one point I am told to F**k off by Begbie (Olivier Sublet), as the cast members invade the audience. Sublet’s Begbie is as violent, obnoxious and as vile as Robert Carlyle’s portrayal in the Trainspotting 90’s movie.
The play retains the very dark moment of a neglected baby dying and that was a difficult watch. Allison (Lauren Downie) and Sick Boy (Michael Lockerbie) give incredibly moving performances here. Lauren Downie plays multiple roles in the play. Among the roles are Begbie’s battered pregnant partner, Tommy’s girlfriend and Renton’s mother trying to get him off the smack.

Greg Esplin performance as Tommy really resonated with me. The character of Tommy falls into heroin after breaking up with his girlfriend. After resisting the peer pressure for so long, he winds up with full blown aids and dies.
Trainspotting live runs at Riverside Studios in Hammersmith, London until 6th November.
LONDON – Riverside Studios, Hammersmith
18 Oct – 6 Nov – BOOK TICKETS
SOUTHAMPTON – MAST Mayflower Studios
9 – 12 Nov – BOOK TICKETS